Bledcastle's night
The first "castle” night of the 20th Bled Festival featured the sister duo on violins Katarina and Ana Viher who were accompanied by cellist Alma Pleteršek. The string Trio played the music of one and only Joseph Haydn.
Trio Le Bouquet - Maša Cilenšek (flute), Ajda Porenta (violin) and Pavla Lušin (guitar) – presented the work of Joseph Kreutzer and Klaus Wüsthoff in the completely full Knight`s Hall in Bled Castle. Young artists are students of the renowned musician and educator Tomaž Lorenz.
The evening continued with the performance of local girls` choir DO-RE-MI. The choir composed of girls aged 12 – 14 is lead by Primož Kerštajn. In their program we heard Slovene folk songs, some golden Slovene popular songs like Poletna noč (Summer Night) and Mlade oči (Young Eyes), and for the grand finale Cantus iteratus from Welsh composer Karl Jenkins.
Photo. Boris Pretnar

Katarina and Ana Viher (violin) with Alma Pleteršek (cello).

Trio Le Bouquet - Maša Cilenšek (flute), Pavla Lušin (guitar) and Ajda Porenta (violin).
DO-RE-MI Youth Choir