bass, 13.-16.7.,

Nikola Matošić was born in 1978 in Ljubljana,
Slovenia. He discovered that jazz music was his passion while a sophomore at
the high school for chemistry. He started his career as a self-thought
musician. Later on he joined various seminars, workshops, private lesions and
after that enrolled, to sharpen his musical knowledge,in classical music school
with mentor Štefan Perkič. From 1997 he started organizing jam sessions at
various locations in Ljubljana. However,for more then 15 years, he has been the
organizer of the famous Monday jam sessions in the jazz club Gajo in Ljubljana
and consequently also responsible for the development of jazz music in the
Slovenian capital city and in Slovenia. Besides that he was also a co-organizer
of jazz seminars and performances in Slovenia, involving names such as Barry
Harris, Doug Hammond and others. By now he has proudly shared a stage with many
musicians known throughout the world. If we enumerate just some of them: Arron
Goldberg, Deborah Brown, Rachel Gould, Don Menza, Allan Praskin, Roberto
Magris, Peter Mihelič, Renato Chicco, Douglas Sides, Howard Curtis, Tony
Lakatos, Florian Brambock, Herb Geller,… as well as many rising names of the
younger jazz generation and well respected Slovenian jazz names. His primary
passion has always been jazz music, but he is also appreciated by musicians of
other musical genres. Thus he collaborated with many popular Slovenian
musicians like Zoran Predin, Oto Pestner, Adi Smolar,…He is known for his
smile, impeccable rhythm, and profound sound, not to mention that his goal is
always to satisfy the audience.