SLOJAZZ evening on Belvedere

Do you love jazz? Would you like it if jazz evenings would be a common occurrence?

An evening like that happened yesterday on Belvedere. It is the perfect place for concerts like this, and the artistic director of Festival Bled mag. Jernej Brence made no mistake when he spiced up the otherwise mainly classical program with some jazz.

Audience heard the music of well known, superbly trained jazz musicians. Jani Moder (guitar), Janez Gabrič (drums), Igor Matkovič (trumpet), Nikola Matošič (bass), and Milan Stanisavljevič (piano). All of them also taught the young, perspective musicians, who had no trouble when they joined on the stage.

The whole evening was great and one had no trouble imagining that such concerts would become a Bled constant.

Photo: Boris Pretnar

Development: MMstudio