July,1st. Festival Hall Bled: GALA OPENING



               I am human, nothing human is alien to me.

                                                               Publius Terentius Afer

               But the inhuman is most human.

                                                               Iztok Mlakar

It was dark and stormy night... Era una notte buia e tempestosa... C'etait une nuit sombre et oragouse... Es war eine dunkle und stürmische Nacht...
In short: it was a dark and stormy night, like the beginning of every crime story in world literature, stories about people who get on the wrong side of the law, stories about crime and criminality.

Elvira and Ugo is a poor married couple who are left on the street because of eviction. To avoid freezing to death in a terrible winter storm, they take refuge in a rich man's villa, which the owner seems to have abandoned in a panic... As befits two sensible people in distress, they first have a life-and-death struggle....as suddenly rings the door bell!
All the crime and criminality of the world is unleashed on Elvira and Ugo......

A comedy in the tradition commedie of del'arte, with witty dialogue and songs.
With an excellent cast and music team.

Actors: Iztok Mlakar, Vesna Pernarčič/Marjuta Slamič, Urška Taufer, Peter Harl, Ilija Ota.
Musitians: David Šuligoj, Roman Kobal, Matjaž Švagelj


Pegula is a man that thinks an awful little

He'd rather not think about anything if he could

Pegula is a man who has made damage

by being in the world, by being born...

I am  pegula, you are  pegula, we are pegulas...

And long live the pegulas! On them this world is built!

                                                             Iztok Mlakar

Development: MMstudio