July, 6th Festival Hall Bled: PATETICO
years since the Big Bang ...
2003, in Ruse near Maribor, a chance encounter brought together a team of
musicians and a poet who was preparing a theatre cabaret for the local CEZAM
Youth Centre. Since the actress cancelled her participation, the project was
left with only words and music. But the title remained - Cabaret Patetico! But
right after the first concert at the legendary Satchmo Jazz Club in Maribor,
the first word was dropped. Everything else is the history of Slovenian party
music. The sound master recorded the concert and Patetico instantly became a
thoroughbred racehorse of the Slovenian underground scene. Home-baked CDs with
the concert recording poured like the light of a new-born star into the souls
of all Patetico's thirsty souls. No serious production polish, just the sheer
force of good lyrics, the fiery live music and sensitively wounded vocals, and
the Slovenian music universe was redefined. The Big Bang was complete. An
unforgettable musical tapestry, in which music and poetry merge in a
timelessness that continues to give birth to new worlds today.
The band consists of Dejan Berden, piano, Nika Perunović, vocals, Tadej Kampl, double bass and Janez Gabrič, drums. Rok Gregor Vilčnik signs as the idea leader of the Patetico project and writes the songs and lyrics for the band.
Their first official album was Prologue, released in 2004 on the Sanje label, which was actually a small album, with five tracks due to problems with permissions for the use of original music. That same year, they also recorded the single "Moj navihan Valentin", which was chosen by the mobile operator Mobitel as the soundtrack for a Valentine's Day sales campaign, which won the band the award for original music at the 13th Slovenian Advertising Festival. In May 2015, nine years after the release of their "official" debut album, Celinka released their second album, Vse je v ok z mojo dušo (Everything is OK with My Soul).

Foto: Ksenija Mikor