July, 5th Festival Hall Bled: TOMAŽ HOSTNIK with band
Tomaž Hostnik - singer-songwriter, chansonnier, poet and visual artist has written more than a hundred compositions and lyrics in Slovenian, including the entire oeuvre of the bands Vudlenderji, Drajnarjuva vampa, Hostnik pa Krečič, music for children, film, theatre, etc. He won the Golden Cantata at the 14th International Songwriting Festival (Kantfest), the Best Lyrics Award at Popevka 2019 and 2021, and the Best Music Award at the Festival of Slovenian Chanson in October 2023. This time, he will be accompanied by the most amazing musicians, Matic Plemenitaš (guitar, vocals), Gregor Kolar (rhythm guitar, vocals), Jake Krušič (bass) and Gregor Hrovat (drums, vocals).