July, 4th  Festival hall Bled: SATORI

Satori is a brief experience of complete peace in the body. There is no thought, no emotion, no space for any kind of imbalance, disharmony or discomfort… The continuous experience of Satori can be called enlightenment.

Jure Tori continues following his creative path but this time his original songs are without accordion. During the pandemic he fell in love with the sounds of Rhodes piano, Wurlitzer and Hammond organ. He bought a computer, started recording and invited his musical friends to join him on the recordings.

He recruited outstanding musicians such as singer Ursula Luthar, guitarist Primož Grašič, trumpeter Gerhard Ornig and double bassist Wolfram Derschmidt. Producer Jamirko took care of the sound design and the real energy (beat). The artists are well-known to the Slovenian and wider public, as they have performed with various ensembles on many stages around the world.

The seat of the Soul - Jure Tori, composer/musician



Ursula Luthar – vokal


Primož Grašič – guitarr


Gerhard Ornig – trumpet


Jure Tori – keyboard


Wolfram Derschmidt – double bass


Tijan Grašič – drums

Development: MMstudio